Tsuna, a timid junior high student, is a failure at school, sports, and social life. But everything changes for Tsuna when Reborn, a fedora-wearing, gun-toting toddler who claims to be an Italian hit man, shows up at his house. Reborn was sent to Japan to groom Tsuna for his future life as a big mafia boss! Reborn's gun has quite an unusual effect: When Reborn shoots people in the head, they die but are then "reborn" with temporary supernatural powers that allow them to fulfill their dying wish. Reborn and Tsuna make an unlikely pair, but every day they're together, Tsuna gets reborn into a new (and better) guy!
Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2004-11-27
Kategoria: Komiksy
Liczba stron: 192
Język oryginału: japoński
Tsuna, Reborn and their friends are in deep trouble! The villainous Mukuro appears to be unstoppable, and further efforts by Yamamoto and Gokudera to take...
Tsuna, a timid junior high student, is a failure at school, sports, and social life. But everything changes for Tsuna when Reborn, a fedora-wearing, gun-toting...
Przeczytane:2016-11-17, Ocena: 5, Przeczytałam,