How to get lucky

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Every man knows there are lines you don't cross. Like this one -- don't bang your boss's little sister. Too bad I didn't know sexy, clever, irresistible London is related to the guy who signs my paychecks. Would have been helpful to have that intel before I took her out on that first date, before I kissed her on the beach, before I made plans to take her home that night. But now I know and I'm going to be so damn disciplined. I'm a good guy, after all. And good guys don't break the golden rules of the bro code. I'm going to follow the f&*k out of all the rules. I won't break a single damn one. Even when London asks me to help her with a work project. One that has us working late every night, all alone, in my tiny apartment. One that tests every ounce of willpower I have. One that is driving me out of my ever loving mind. But I resist. Until the night she issues a challenge I can't refuse.

Informacje dodatkowe o How to get lucky:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2021-01-14
Kategoria: Romans
ISBN: 9798682186594
Liczba stron: 294
Język oryginału: angielski

Tagi: bóg


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Recenzje miesiąca
Upiór w moherze
Iwona Banach
Upiór w moherze
Szepty ciemności
Andrzej Pupin
Szepty ciemności
Księga zaklęć
Agnieszka Rautman-Szczepańska
Księga zaklęć
Joanna Jagiełło
Strach ze strychu
Radek Jakubiak
Strach ze strychu
Strefa interesów
Martin Amis
Strefa interesów
Stajnia pod Lipami
Magdalena Zarębska ;
Stajnia pod Lipami
Draka na Antypodach
Katarzyna Ryrych ;
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