College Physics with Mastering Physics

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For more than five decades, Sears and Zemansky's College Physics has provided the most reliable foundation of physics education for students around the world. For the Eighth Edition, Robert Geller joins Hugh Young to produce a comprehensive update of this benchmark text. A broad and thorough introduction to physics, this new edition carefully integrates many solutions from educational research to help students to develop greater confidence in solving problems, deeper conceptual understanding, and stronger quantitative-reasoning skills, while helping them connect what they learn with their other courses and the changing world around them.   A systematic approach to problem solving. To solve problems with confidence, students must learn to approach problems effectively at a global level, must understand the physics in question, and must acquire the specific skills needed for particular types of problems. The Eighth Edition provides research-proven tools for each goal.The worked examples all follow a consistent and explicit global problem-solving strategy drawn from educational research. This 3-step approach puts special emphasis on how to set-up the problem before trying to solve it, and the importance of how to reflect on whether the answer is sensible. Worked example solutions emphasize the steps and decisions students often omit. In particular, many worked examples include pencil diagrams: hand-drawn diagrams that show exactly what a student should draw in the set-up step of solving the problem. Conceptual Analysis and Quantitative Analysis problems help the students practice their qualitative and quantitative understanding of the physics. The Quantitative Analysis problems focus on skills of quantitative and proportional reasoning -- skills that are key to success on the MCATs. No other introductory physics text addresses this need. The CAs and QAs use a multiple-choice format to elicit specific common misconceptions.Problem-solving strategies teach the students tactics for particular types of problems -- such as problems requiring Newton's second law, energy conservation, etc - and follow the same, 3-step global approach (set-up, solve, and reflect).Unique, highly effective figures incorporate the latest ideas from educational research. Extraneous detail has been removed and color used only for strict pedagogical purposes - for instance, in mechanics, color is used to identify the object of interest while all other objects are grayscale. Illustrations include helpful blue annotated comments to guide students in 'reading' graphs and physics figures. Throughout, figures, models, and graphs are placed side by side to help student 'translate' between multiple representations. Pencil sketches are used consistently in worked examples to emphasize what students should draw.Unique visual chapter summaries show each concept in words, math, and figures to reinforce how to 'translate' between different representations and address different student learning styles.Rich and diverse EOC problem sets. The renowned Sears/Zemansky problems, refined over five decades of use, have been expanded and enhanced for today's courses. New in each chapter is a set of multiple-choice problems that test the skills developed by the Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis problems in the chapter text. The multiple-choice format elicits specific common misconceptions, enabling students to pinpoint their misunderstandings.The General Problems contain many context-rich problems (also known as real-world problems), which require the student to simplify and model more complex real-world situations.The problem sets include more biomedically oriented problems than in any other College Physics text.Connects physics with the student's world. In-margin photos with explanatory captions provide diverse, interesting, and self-contained examples of physics at work in the world.  Writing that is easy to follow and rigorous. The writing is friendly yet focused; it conveys an exact, careful, straight-forward understanding of the physics, with an emphasis on the connections between concepts.  

Informacje dodatkowe o College Physics with Mastering Physics:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Popularnonaukowe
ISBN: 978-0-321-37313-7
Liczba stron: 0


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College Physics 8e
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