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In nature, many physical processes are governed by the passage of time. The study of these processes, chronobiology, reveals rhythmic patterns which may be yearly, monthly, daily or more frequent. Novel drug delivery systems are currently being delivered that will release varying quantities of a drug at optimum times to coincide with these rhythmic patterns. Chronotherapeutics considers the pharmaceutical and therapeutic implications associated with biological clocks, solely in relation to humans. Comprehensive discussion is given to specific diseases, which are time dependent, and the drugs and new drug formulations that can be used as treatments. Written by international experts in the field, "Chronotherapeutics" provides contemporary information on chronobiology for non-chronobiologists in pharmaceutical and medical sciences.

Informacje dodatkowe o Chronotherapeutics:

Wydawnictwo: angielskie
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Medycyna i zdrowie
ISBN: 978-0-85369-488-5
Liczba stron: 0


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