Air Gear revolves around the life of Itsuki Minami "Ikki or Crow", also known as "Baby Face", "Lil (and Little) Crow", and his friends. The story follows their use of Air Treks, an in-universe invention derived from inline skates. Initial sections of the plot carries out the introduction of characters that eventually join Ikki. As the story progresses, it focuses on their roles as Storm Riders and their quest to be on the top of the Trophaeum Tower. The pinnacle that all Storm Riders hope to reach.
Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2003-07-17
Kategoria: Komiksy
Liczba stron: 0
Język oryginału: japoński
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Przeczytane:2016-08-16, Ocena: 4, Przeczytałam,