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Mój pierwszy przewodnik - Jaki to ptak?
Holger Haag Wydawnictwo: Multico

Ptaki są wszędzie. W mieście, w lesie, na łące. Tylko spójrz w górę! Pięknie śpiewają, tworzą wspaniałe klucze na niebie, czasem wymagają Twojej pomocy. Zacznij obserwować życie, charaktery i zwyczaje ptaków... czytaj dalej

Yale Companion to Chaucer
S. Lerer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This new collection of specially commissioned essays on Chaucer's poetry is a single-volume guide to the best and most inventive work in Chaucerian studies today. The first such book written with American undergraduate... czytaj dalej

Foundations of Materials Science & Engineering
W. Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Available June 1, 2005Smith/Hashemi's Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering, 4/e provides an eminently readable and understandable overview of engineering materials for undergraduate students. Chapters... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Architecture & Construction
Harris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most comprehensive architectural and construction dictionary available, with nearly 25,000 terms
Strong visual appeal, with 2,500 illustrations and an easy-to-read page design
Prepared by a renowned arc... czytaj dalej

Methods in Enzymology v351 Guide to Yeast Genetics & Molecu
Ch Guthrie Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume and its companion, Volume 350, are specifically designed to meet the needs of graduate students and postdoctoral students as well as researchers, by providing all the up-to-date methods necessary... czytaj dalej

Classical & Quantum Nonlinear Integrable Systems
Kundu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nonlinear integrable systems, covering both classical and quantum models, are of considerable theoretical and practical interest, with applications over a wide range of subjects from water waves to spin models... czytaj dalej

Conservation of Leather & Related Materials
Kite Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The conservation of skin, leather and related materials is an area that, until now, has had little representation by the written word in book form. Marion Kite and Roy Thomson, of the Leather Conservation Centre... czytaj dalej

Filtering Theory With Applications to Fault Detection
A. Saberi Wydawnictwo: inne

Focusses on filtering for linear processes, and helps design linear stable unbiased filters that yield an estimation error with the lowest root-mean-square (RMS) norm. This book defines various hierarchical... czytaj dalej

Chemistry of Glass
Vogel Wydawnictwo: inne

This book, originally published in 1979, was derived from courses offered at the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, Germany. The American Ceramic Society republished this text in 1985, adding more than... czytaj dalej

Hans Bethe & His Physics
G. Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hans Bethe (1906-2005) won the Nobel Prize in 1967 for his research into how the sun generates its energy by converting hydrogen to helium using carbon as a nuclear catalyst. He was the last of the giants of... czytaj dalej