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This medical terminology text uses a Programmed Learning approach that is ideal for classroom use, self-paced study, or distance learning. It is broken down into concise self-instruction frames followed by... czytaj dalej
It is becoming increasingly important to examine the relationship between the outcomes of a clinical trial and the costs of the medical therapy under study. The results of such analysis can affect reimbursement... czytaj dalej
As part of the successful Requisites series, this volume presents what the resident needs to know about musculoskeletal imaging. Its concise and up-to-date coverage prepares readers for the exams, while providing... czytaj dalej
Global Mapping of Infectious Diseases: Methods, Examples and Emerging Applications is an outline of global environmental global population data including scripts for predicting disease distributions evaluating... czytaj dalej
Cukrzyca typu 2 jest przewlekłą, postępującą chorobą i w przypadku niewłaściwego leczenia powoduje wiele powikłań. W Polsce choruje na nią ponad 1 milion osób. Prognoza dotycząca wskaźnika chorobowości przewiduje... czytaj dalej
The 5th edition of Practical Orthopedics is designed to teach orthopaedic surgery to physicians who are not orthopaedic surgeons. The text is divided into two sections. The first deals with musculoskeletal... czytaj dalej
Here's the fourth edition of the leading clinical reference on tumors of the muscle, fat and connective tissue, completely revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments and understanding of the field... czytaj dalej
Praise for this edition:"This third edition has now been extensively updated and considerably strengthened in a number of key areas...it provides a clear, comprehensive and up-to-date overview of a wide... czytaj dalej
This CD-ROM is designed as a reference for microbiologists and infectious disease specialists who require information on bacteria, viruses, the diseases they cause, mycology and parasitic protozoa. The 340... czytaj dalej
An important and comprehensive review of an expanding research area. The book will combine all classical knowledge in the field with recent advances to provide a full and comprehensive coverage of the field... czytaj dalej