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Lehrbuch der Phoniatrie & Padaudiologie
J. Wendler,W. Seidner,G. Kittel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Das Buch gibt angehenden Facharzten einen Uberblick uber praxisrelevante Untersuchungsmethoden und die wichtigsten Krankheitsbilder. Dargestellt werden Ursachen, klinische Erscheinungen und Moglichkeiten der... czytaj dalej

Worterbuch Klinische Medizin Deutsch-Englisch
Peter Reuter,Christine Reuter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This compact medical dictionary incorporates up-to-date terminology from the German and English medical spheres, reflecting all the latest developments in international medicine. Key features include comprehensiveness... czytaj dalej

Emergency Radiology
Deborah Schwartz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the emergency department, consistent and accurate interpretation of radiographs is vital for the care of the acutely ill or injured patient. Written by emergency physicians for emergency physicians, this... czytaj dalej

Appleton & Lange Outline Review for the USMLE Step 2
Goldberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Outline-format review of core concepts for the USMLE Step 2.... czytaj dalej

Physician's Guide to Depression Bi-Polar Disorders
D. Evans Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A clinically-oriented, prescriptive guide to diagnosing and treating mood disorders Over 19 million American are afflicted with depression and/or other mood disorders, and their ranks seem to be growing. Internists... czytaj dalej

Teaching Epidemiology Guide for Teachers in Epidemiology Pub
J. Olsen,R. Saracci Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Teaching epidemiology is a task that requires skills and knowledge. The overriding requirement is knowledge, which, should be combined with a clear teaching strategy and good pedagogic skills. The general advice... czytaj dalej

Strange Behavior Tales of Evolutionary Neurology
Harold Klawans Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Harold Klawans treated people with a huge array of troubles, all of which boiled down to one complaint: something was wrong with their brains. As a sympathetic and brilliant brain detective, Klawans deduced... czytaj dalej

Photographic Atlas of the Human Body
G. Tortora Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This photo atlas is ideal for anyone interested in human anatomy and physiology. Its stunning array of high quality imagery is enhanced by a solid scientific presentation of the principles of the human structure... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Respiratory Medicine Cd-Rom 3E
John Murray,Jay Nadel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fully revised and well-documented new edition of the field's standard reference integrates the latest information on the scientific basis of respiratory medicine with its current practice. The text details... czytaj dalej

Bone & Joint Futures
A. Woolf Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A thought-provoking book about the future of bone and joint disorders. This is the Decade of Bone and Joint, a time where rapid developments in our understanding of these disorders contend with massive increases... czytaj dalej