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Communication Theories 4 vols
P. Cobley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This remarkable four-volume collection brings together a range of essays both canonical in, and at the cutting edge of, communication theory. Selections included provide in-depth theoretical analysis and overviews... czytaj dalej

Technology & Decline in Demand
M. Sanders Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This book treats a major issue - accounting for the differential run-up of the educational wage premium in the US and Europe since the 1970s - which is important from the point of view of economic policy and... czytaj dalej

Cash Return on Capital Invested
P. Costantini Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this book, Pascal Costantini gives a lively and wonderfully readable account of ten years of efforts by a small group of investment analysts to find a reliable, practical and implementable method for valuing... czytaj dalej

Employee Relations in an Organisational Context.
K. Daniel Wydawnictwo: inne

The success or failure of organisations is, in part, dependent on the success or failure of its employees and the relationship that they have with each other. Looking at Employee Relations from an organisational... czytaj dalej

Tools & Techniques in Enterprise Risk Management
R. Chapman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) represents a fundamental shift in the way businesses must approach risk. As the economy becomes more service driven and globally oriented, businesses cannot afford to let new... czytaj dalej

Wiley GAAP 2007
B. Epstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most practical, comprehensive, and authoritative guide to GAAP Wiley GAAP 2007 delivers the most recent professional standards developments, in addition to detailed analysis of all generally accepted accounting... czytaj dalej

Understanding Change
L. Holbeche Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Change is now so commonplace that people no longer talk in terms of the "whitewater epoch". Every sector of the economies of the developed world has experienced huge swathes of change in the last... czytaj dalej

Challenging the Chip
Hightower Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Challenging the Chip is the first comprehensive examination of the impacts of electronics manufacturing on workers and local environments around the world. The essays in this volume contribute to a collaborative... czytaj dalej

R. Volkema Wydawnictwo: inne

Volkema (business, American University) examines what leverage is, how to increase one's own leverage or decrease the leverage of another party, and the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches in all... czytaj dalej

X-engineering przedsiębiorstwa
James Champy Wydawnictwo: Placet

Książka odsłania nieograniczone możliwości, jakie oferuje przedsiębiorstwu pomysłowo wykorzystana technologia informacyjna. X-ENGINEERING PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWA to lektura, której nie wolno przegapić, ponieważ umiejętności... czytaj dalej