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Gilbert & George Intimate Conversations with Francois Jonque
F. Jonquet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Despite their notoriety, Gilbert George have always been reluctant to speak publicly, and have only occasionally published manifestos or given interviews, many of which were collected into a volume published... czytaj dalej

Photo Trouvee
M. Frizot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Photo Trouvee" brings together 285 anonymous 'amateur' photographs, which were discovered and collected over a period of over twenty years in flea markets and antique shops. They are taken from the... czytaj dalej

Writing & Producing Radio Dramas
E. De Fossard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a practical guide for writers, producers and others who use radio dramas as the vehicle to bring about behaviour change among socioeconomically disadvantaged communities in the developing world. ... czytaj dalej

Rose-Marie & Rainer Hagen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

W 1774 roku Francisco Goya przeniósł się do Madrytu. Otrzymał zamówienie na projekty z królewskiej manufaktury tapiserii Santa Barbara. Miał wtedy 28 lat. Wychował się na prowincji, w Saragossie, gdzie pobierał... czytaj dalej

We Weren't Modern Enough
Meskimmon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Examines the work of some two dozen little-known women artists of the Weimar period in Germany. Meskimmon explores their work as part of Weimar's burgeoning "Frauenkultur" (women's culture) through... czytaj dalej

True Loving & Other Tales
Bernado Wydawnictwo: inne

Jordi Bernado, with his formidably acute humour, describes unknown places of the United States depicted by suggestive names such as Paradise (Texas), Utopia, and Eden. To create his photographs, Bernad? starts... czytaj dalej

Troy From Homer's "Iliad" to Hollywood Epic
M. Winkler Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Examines Wolfgang Petersen's epic film 'Troy' from archaeological, literary, cultural, and cinematic perspectives. This collection addresses the important aspects of the film: its use of Homer's 'Iliad' and... czytaj dalej

Divine Order
P. Vergo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ever since antiquity, philosophers have pointed to the supposed 'divine' character of music, and following Pythagoras's discovery of the mathematical basis of the musical scale, have posited a link between... czytaj dalej

Great Graphics on a Budget
Simon Dixon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What graphic designer hasn't heard, "we don't have much of a budget"? All too often this is the sad truth. Designers must not only come up with attention-grabbing ideas but, more frequently, do it... czytaj dalej

Early Masterpieces
Munch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The early masterpieces of Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, pioneer of modern art, who developed a Nordic variant of modern painting.... czytaj dalej