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Art at the Rockface
Moore Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Artists over the millennia have responded to the geological environment surrounding them and tried to capture something of man's relationship to it. This book examines the ways by which artists have explored... czytaj dalej

Ceramic Innovations in the 20th Century
J. Wachtman Wydawnictwo: inne

More than 100 important innovations in ceramics in the last 100 years are individually described. These include such major advances as the float glass process, continuous glass fibers and glass wool, the zirconia... czytaj dalej

Hokusai's Mount Fuji
J. Bouguillard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At first Hokusai published thirty-six views, where a new kind of ink was employed, the Prussian blue, until then unknown in Japan. A few years later, because of its extraordinary success, he added ten new engravings... czytaj dalej

Glas kultur
Peran Wydawnictwo: inne

within modern culture - not only about exploiting the versatility of new materials but also of channelling a model of open society. The Glaskultur project does not seek to historically reconstruct these dreams... czytaj dalej

Rebel Style
Boyer Wydawnictwo: inne

Between the end of World War II and the election of John F. Kennedy there was a tremendous shift in Hollywood film: a fresh wave of actors (with Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Paul Newman, and James Dean)... czytaj dalej

World's Top Photographers Landscape
Hope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A unique and acclaimed collection of stunning images from the world's most acclaimed landscape photographers #8212;now available in paperback. The World#8217;s Top Photographers: Landscape is packed with shots... czytaj dalej

Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonne v 2 2 vols set
Frei Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Andy Warhol (1928--1987) is arguably the most iconic figure in twentieth century art, an enigmatic personality who not only altered the definition of art itself but also in his wake left a vast and staggeringly... czytaj dalej

Film & Television Locations
D. Gelbert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It is often said that the greater Los Angeles area is the largest movie set in the world. Film and television series filming sites are, however, located all over the United States. This guidebook documents... czytaj dalej

Laurent Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A collection of New Year's cards designed by Yves Saint Laurent for his friends and family over the last 30 years. Each card has the word 'love' incorporated into the design, but each one is unique, a symbol... czytaj dalej

Elizabeth Blackadder Prints
C. Allan Wydawnictwo: inne

Elizabeth Blackadder has been respected as a printmaker for over five decades and, during that time, has experimented with a range of diverse media including etching, aquatint, drypoint, woodcut, screenprint... czytaj dalej