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For more than thirty years, the Wing has produced the "Working in the Theatre" seminars, a series that features the greatest names in theatre. It is now available in book form for the first time,... czytaj dalej
At first Hokusai published thirty-six views, where a new kind of ink was employed, the Prussian blue, until then unknown in Japan. A few years later, because of its extraordinary success, he added ten new engravings... czytaj dalej
Langford's Basic Photography, 8e A best-selling classic which covers everything today?s amateur and student photographer needs to know. Techniques are explained clearly and succinctly, with colour images... czytaj dalej
This attractive small format book highlights the key characteristics of the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain, Europe, America and Japan and shows how its ideas were disseminated around the world. It showcases... czytaj dalej
Her jersey draperies belong to the legends of haute couture. This amazing figure, who looked like a nun, was a virtuoso who knew just how to pay tribute to movement and freedom of the body. Within the boundaries... czytaj dalej
Between the end of World War II and the election of John F. Kennedy there was a tremendous shift in Hollywood film: a fresh wave of actors (with Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Paul Newman, and James Dean)... czytaj dalej
From intimate shop interiors to the remarkable and exuberant architectural fantasies of Antoni Gaudí, this book captures the immensely varied atmospheres of a magical city.In every city with a rich architectural... czytaj dalej
Building on more than twenty years' experience travelling and photographing in some of the world's remotest places, Gilles Martin offers in his new book a magnificent photographic collection of some of the... czytaj dalej
Książka zawiera materiały z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Akademię Muzyczną im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie w 150. rocznicę urodzin malarza.... czytaj dalej
For Paul Strand the summers of 1926 and 1930-1932 marked a period of critical artistic growth. Absorbing the Southwest's complex cultural history, Strand made pictures that merged realism with abstraction,... czytaj dalej