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Mechanism of Meaning
Arakawa Wydawnictwo: inne

Graphic differentiations between deeply philosophical nuances are presented in this book. Flesh-toned boards, illustrated endpapers with translucent dustjacket. The book is in very good condition with light... czytaj dalej

Hitchmough Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the 1890s until the outbreak of the First World War, C F A Voysey was one of the most successful and renowned British architects. His elegant, white-rendered houses with stone window dressings and sweeping... czytaj dalej

Flame of Recognition
Weston Wydawnictwo: inne

Integrating revealing excerpts from Edward Weston's diaries and letters with some of his most exquisite photographs, Nancy Newhall sheds light on Weston's own attempts to "understand the range flashes... czytaj dalej

Van Gogh
James Smith Wydawnictwo: Parragon

Seria prezentująca wielkich artystów i ich poszczególne dzieła.... czytaj dalej

Dada Spirit
E. L`Ecotais Wydawnictwo: inne

This onomatopoeia suggesting a child's babbling started one of the most important mutations in the history of art. But what is Dada ? Born of the First World War, Dada is a movement bringing together both artists... czytaj dalej

Greek Beauty
B. Geoffroy-Schneiter Wydawnictwo: inne

Goddess, nymph, muse, or merely mortal, women never ceased to inspire Greek sculptors and painters. Far from representing an ideal beauty of young athletes with exultant bodies, these sensuous feminine models... czytaj dalej

Alex Katz
Blazwick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Alex Katz is a towering figure in contemporary painting, a key New York-based artist since the early 1960s. Katz was an independent figure during the heyday of Abstract Expressionism and Pop when he first emerged... czytaj dalej

Forms Folds & Sizes
P. Evans Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Forms, Folds and Sizes will be the book that is always next to a designer?s computer. Completely practical with only the most needed information, this book will provide designers with all the little details... czytaj dalej

Wizerunek kobiety w malarstwie miniaturowym Indii XVI - XIX wieku
Kamińska Dorota Wydawnictwo: DiG

Autorka, opisując pozycję kobiety w społeczeństwie Indii na przestrzeni wieków, omawia ideał kobiecej urody wykształcony w sztuce, przedstawia stroje, biżuterię i makijaż. Wyczerpująco ukazuje zagadnienie portretu... czytaj dalej

Roadside America 365 Days
L. Lewis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume celebrates America's love affair with the automobile. Fans of vintage cars will find their favourites among the Packards and Cadillacs, woodies and pick-ups, Edsels and Bel-Airs, Corvettes and Thunderbirds... czytaj dalej