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In the era of The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit -- when social pressures on men to conform threatened cherished notions of masculine vitality, freedom, and authenticity -- modernist paintings came to be seen... czytaj dalej
Vija Celmin's artworks testify to her undying fascination with the world around her, whether the commonplace objects in her studio; her childhood memories of wartorn Latvia; the natural landscapes of her adopted... czytaj dalej
This thorough and beautifully illustrated monograph provides a history of the late medieval painter that includes substantial analysis of his painted altarpieces, manuscripts, and goldsmith work; evidence for... czytaj dalej
An indisputable Art Deco figure, rewarded with the Grand Prize at the International Exhibition of 1925, Léon Hatot payed a true homage to women by magnifying their beauty with precious jewels and time-pieces... czytaj dalej
This is a museum guide to the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich. ... czytaj dalej
Książka jest pierwszą tak obszerną i bogato ilustrowaną panoramą architektury ziem polskich XIX wieku. Ukazuje bogactwo znamiennych dla tej epoki form stylowych - od klasycyzmu, poprzez różne odmiany neorenesansu... czytaj dalej
In this book, Martha Buskirk addresses the interesting fact that since the early 1960s, almost anything can and has been called art. Among other practices, contemporary artists have employed mass-produced elements... czytaj dalej
Although Henri Matisse#8217;s paintings and drawings are some of the most revered in the art world, his cutouts are widely believed to represent the culmination of his artistic career. This elegantly produced... czytaj dalej
L. S. Lowry's 'matchstick men' have become some of the most readily recognized images in twentieth-century British art. His vivid and faithful portrayal of the industrial north has led to his adoption as 'the... czytaj dalej
Miniature books, most of which are less than three inches (76.2mm) tall and some almost too small to see, have delighted readers for centuries. Popular because they were easily carried or concealed, these historic... czytaj dalej