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Varieties of Capitalism & Europeanization
Menz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Europeanization has often been conceived as a top-down process, necessitating implementation and adjustment at the national level. However, Europeanization can also be conditioned by bottom-up national initiatives... czytaj dalej

D. Crowley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Warsaw is often invoked as the epitome of the brutal environment produced by Soviet aesthetics and planning; its name conjures up a grey, faceless world of tower blocks and Orwellian government buildings. Its... czytaj dalej

Calamity of Realm
P. Jasienica Wydawnictwo: inne

The fourth volume of Pawel Jasienica's magnificent epos of Polish history, 'Calamity of the Realm,' covers part of the 17th century and deals with a multitude of wars with Muscovy, Sweden, the Tartars, Cossacks... czytaj dalej

Something to Hold
Craven Wydawnictwo: inne

Something to Hold, a book about guardian angels and their ability to help anyone, even the most isolated people. Each one of us is attached to an angel who guides us and protects us from birth to death. These... czytaj dalej

Antisemitism v17
S. Cohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Antisemitism: An Annotated Bibliography appears as a periodical bibliography published in annual volumes including works on anti-Semitism published throughout the world, from the earliest times to the present... czytaj dalej

Icons of Fashion 20TH Century
G. Buxbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Elegant and daring 20th-century fashion history has been organized into stylistic periods featuring top design collections and fashion celebrities. 500 illustrations, 300 in full color. ... czytaj dalej

Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Germany Austria & Switzer
A. Diefenbacher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Somatically ill patients often also suffer from psychological symptoms. The diagnosis and treatment of these symptoms and their underlying psychiatric disorders are the task of consultation-liaison psychiatry... czytaj dalej

Beyond Violence
Fitzduff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

After almost 30 years of bloody conflict, the opposing parties in Northern Ireland signed the "Good Friday Agreement" in 1998, a document that specifies how to share power, thus bringing to an end... czytaj dalej

Moral Man & Immoral Society
R. Niebuhr Wydawnictwo: inne

Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was one of America's foremost twentieth-century religious thinkers and social critics. As pastor of Bethel Evangelical Church in Detroit, he became deeply interested in social problems... czytaj dalej

Dictionary Amharic-English English-Amharic
Zekaria Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The only popular dictionary in print is Amsalu Akilulu's 10,000-word English-Amharic dictionary.The English-Amharic dictionary by A Zekaria(editor) is an excellent guide to Amharic speaking learners of English... czytaj dalej