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They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. There are some situations where the correct response is to display the sort of ignorance which happily... czytaj dalej
Skelly, ein ausgebrannter US Auslandskorrespondent, wird nach den Anschlägen des 11. September nach Pakistan beordert. Dort soll er über die Lage in Afghanistan berichten. Mit Hilfe eines Vermittlers, dem Sohn... czytaj dalej
Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, a brand-new, complete resource that will be essential reading for trainees aiming to become accomplished endoscopists and for experienced endoscopists wishing to acquire... czytaj dalej
"What is Military History?" presents a clear, readable introduction to a popular field of history. It shows that military history encompasses not just accounts of campaigns and battles but includes... czytaj dalej
An exploration of the beliefs, history and customs of the major world religions, as well as many less well-known faiths. It features: photographs and illustrations to help readers understand the faiths; explanatory... czytaj dalej
'This thoughtful and wide-ranging review of parties and party research contains contributions from many of the foremost party scholars and is a must for all library shelves' - Richard Luther, Keele University... czytaj dalej
The volumes in this series illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. They show the steps by which emotional experience is shaped by social... czytaj dalej
This Fifth Edition clinical manual of ophthalmology continues as a highly practical book on ocular therapy and diagnosis. This guide features a concise outline format that covers a range of topics, including... czytaj dalej
This new set offers students and researchers thorough, objective and systematic essays on the history, culture and current status of all federally recognized Native American groups -- approximately 400 in all... czytaj dalej
Scotland has fallen into a deep post-devolution trough. Six years on, and despite sharply increased public expenditure, there is a groundswell of popular public resentment against the new political class. Scotland's... czytaj dalej