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G is for Gumshoe
S. Grafton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

On 5th May, Kinsey Millhone celebrates her birthday, moves back into her apartment and is hired to bring Mrs Clyde Gersh's mother back from the Mojave desert. She also finds out that she has made it into Tyrone... czytaj dalej

Man in Full
T. Wolfe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A decade ago, The Bonfire of the Vanities defined an era--and established Tom Wolfe as our prime fictional chronicler of America at its most outrageous and alive. This time the setting is Atlanta, Georgia--a... czytaj dalej

Malignant Lymphoma
B. Hancock Wydawnictwo: inne

This authoritative text covers the full range of scientific and clinical developments that have occurred in the investigation and treatment of Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas over recent years... czytaj dalej

Carey Wydawnictwo: inne

There is no history of bed and breakfast in Italy as there is in Britain; the Italian breakfast of a diminutive cup of coffee quickly slugged back with a sweet pastry hardly makes a satisfying meal, but this... czytaj dalej

Portugal Alastair Sawday's Guide to Places to Stay
Sawday Wydawnictwo: inne

Portugal has a wonderfully long history and great variations in landscape and character. And this book has a terrific selection of special places. There are modern homes, full of light and space and old houses... czytaj dalej

Belief & Cult in Fourth-century Papyri
Choat Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This study examines the terms and features in the Greek and Coptic documentary papyri from 4th-century ce Egypt which bear on religious beliefs. These include onomastics, formulaic expressions, invocations... czytaj dalej

Drilling Data Handbook
G. Gabolde Wydawnictwo: angielskie

New Specifications and Recommended Practices have been published by the American Petroleum Institute. Meanwhile, manufacturers have also greatly improved their equipement. In particular, remarkable progress... czytaj dalej

Management of Strabismus & Amblyopia
J. Pratt-Johnson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on their more than 40 years' combined clinical and teaching experience, Drs. Pratt-Johnson and Tillson bring you the long-awaited second edition of their classic text, packed with clear, straightforward... czytaj dalej

Integrierte Psychosomatische Medizin
R. Adler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der allgemeine Teil des Buches enthält einen Aufsatz über die Theorie einer integrierten Humanmedizin sowie Kapitel über Geschichte, den ökonomischen Nutzen und den individuellen Zugang zur Psychosomatik. Im... czytaj dalej

Wojennaja Enciklopjedija v 4
I. Sjergjejew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Przewodniczącym Komisji Redakcyjnej Wojennej Enciklopjediji rosyjskiego wydawnictwa Wojennoje Izdatielstwo, był Minister Obrony Federacji Rosyjskiej I. N. Rodionow.8 tomów Encyklopedii zawiera 11 tysięcy haseł... czytaj dalej