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"Chopina żalby mi opuszczać, i chciałbym się z nim rozstać, bo ja go jak artystę nad wszystkich zawsze przenosiłem i przenoszę, ale jako człowieka kocham i niecierpię, chciałbym go co dzień widzieć i być sto... czytaj dalej
Through careful textual readings of Gogol's most famous works, Karlinsky argues that Gogol's homosexual orientation--which Gogol himself could not accept or forgive in himself--may provide the missing key to... czytaj dalej
In this fascinating study, based on extensive field work in the major Israeli communities of New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris and Sydney, Steven J. Gold looks at their reasons for leaving - existing links... czytaj dalej
This text explains biotechnology simply and clearly, creating sufficient scientific and historical context so the reader understands its continuity with earlier scientific developments going back to the discovery of the cell. ... czytaj dalej
With this Ninth Edition, the "Number One" best-selling non-majors microbiology text extends its trusted and reliable approach with improved disease chapters that feature efficient new "Disease... czytaj dalej
For over a decade, students and instructors alike have praised the broad coverage and clear exposition in the leading text Computer Science: An Overview. Glenn Brookshear draws on years of success in the classroom... czytaj dalej
By the end of World War I, in November 1918, Europe... czytaj dalej
The first official German stormtroop unit was authorised on 2 March 1915 when the Supreme Command of the field army ordered the VIII Corps to form a detachment for the testing of experimental weapons and the... czytaj dalej
The drawings in this volume are from the Royal Collection, Windsor, and cover the mosaics and wallpaintings of early medieval churches in Rome and elsewhere as well as an assortment of unrelated antiquities. ... czytaj dalej
Incomparable accuracy and clarity of Netter medical illustrations found in Netter's best-selling ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY, Third Edition have now been "super-sized" for accelerated learning in a wide... czytaj dalej