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Romantic Image
Kermode Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For the past four decades Frank Kermode, critic and writer, has steadily established himself as one of the most brilliant minds of his generation. Questioning the public's harsh perception of 'the artist',... czytaj dalej

Nonlinear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete
Maekawa Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book describes the application of nonlinear static and dynamic analysis for the design, maintenance and seismic strengthening of reinforced concrete structures. The latest structural and RC constitutive... czytaj dalej

Bohemians Glamorous Outcasts
Elizabeth Wilson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the early 19th century, the bohemian has been the protagonist of the story the West has wanted to hear about its artists - a story of genius, glamour, and doom. This book analyzes the many shifting meanings... czytaj dalej

Is It Time to Reform Social Security
E. Gramlich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The chair of the recent Social Security Advisory Council explains and shares his views on Social Security reform... czytaj dalej

Jewish Passages
H. Goldberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

However diverse their situations, Jews draw on common traditions and texts when they mark life's momentous events and rites of passage. Looking at classic rites of passage along with emerging life-milestone... czytaj dalej

Color-Coded Duplex Sonography of Cerebral Vessels
Bartels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Eva Bartels presents examination techniques and interpretations of the colour-coded duplex ultrasonsography of the cerebral vessels; i.e. the carotid arteries, the vertebral arteries and the intracranial vessels... czytaj dalej

Indicators of Milk & Beef Quality
Gigli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The farming and agri-food sectors are faced with an increasing demand by consumers for high-quality products. The current major questions are thus how to define quality, and how to increase the quality of animal... czytaj dalej

Mega-City in Latin America
A. Gilbert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

By the year 2010, Latin America will contain five metropolitan areas with more then eight million people. Their combined population will be over 70 million, and approximately one Latin American in seven will... czytaj dalej

Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services 13e
Ray Whittington,Pany Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Principles of Auditing remains the #1 Principles of Auditing text using the balance sheet approach. Whittington/Pany presents concepts clearly and proactively monitors changes in auditing, making the relationship... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic Thoracic Radiology
Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Streamlines Detection and Diagnosis of Thoracic Disorders! Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging provides a heavily illustrated resource for Radiologists and residents pursuing the most up to date information in current... czytaj dalej