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For upper-division undergraduate/beginning graduate-level courses in Medical Sociology, and for Behavioral Science courses in schools of Public Health, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing.The standard text in the... czytaj dalej
Harrison, NH -- Ninth-grade student Philip Malloy was suspended from school for singing along to The Star-Spangled Banner in his homeroom, causing what his teacher, Margaret Narwin, called 'a disturbance... czytaj dalej
Getting lost on their way to Zoo Gardens Theme Park, the Morris family instead finds Horrorland, an amusement park with no crowds, no lines, and heart-stopping rides that go beyond creepy ... czytaj dalej
With authoritative and detailed coverage, Skinner and Porter address all key areas of physical geology, as well as recent events that have shaped our world. The new edition is updated to address the latest... czytaj dalej
Today's global financial markets are every bit as vicious psychologically, and sometimes even physically, as the battles the great warriors throughout history have faced. Just as the warriors of old rode out... czytaj dalej
Provides those working in the mental health sector with information that can be helpful in making decisions that are clinically sensitive, economically feasible and socially acceptable. This volume is extremely... czytaj dalej
The European Union since 1945 provides a general survey of European intergration, from its emergence at the end of World War II to the negotiation of the Constitutional Treaty in 2004 and enlargement to Central... czytaj dalej
In Pursuit of Excellence shows you how to develop the positive outlook that turns #8220;ordinary#8221; competitors into winners... on the playing field and off. You#8217;ll learn how to focus your commitment... czytaj dalej
This timely and highly topical text examines the development of the Basel Committee. Thorough and well-researched, it studies the Committee's creation, achievements and prospective role in the 21st century... czytaj dalej
Throughout seven prior editions, Kaplan Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry has defined the field of psychiatry. Every edition has received accolades from the highest levels of psychiatry, and established... czytaj dalej