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Thanks to their many years of experience in freeze-drying, the authors here are able to supply valuable criteria for the selection of laboratory, pilot and production plants, discussing the advantages, drawbacks... czytaj dalej
Histologische und zytologische Strukturen sind nur mikroskopisch zu erkennen. Um sie zu vermitteln, kann man sie rein deskriptiv - und damit beziehungslos - aneinanderreihen. Man kann sie aber auch nach ihren... czytaj dalej
In Europe today, HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care are needed more than ever. HIV incidence - steady in western and central Europe, and dramatically increasing in eastern Europe - remains a major challenge... czytaj dalej
Based upon comparative surveys and newly obtained data, Domanski's book provides a major contribution to the study of social transformation in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989. Focusing on Bulgaria, the... czytaj dalej
A presentation of sound-based techniques for self-healing techniques that are designed for anyone to use, whether faced with a life-threatening disease or simply seeking relief from the stresses of daily life... czytaj dalej
Management/Organization courses with an applied approach to the essential management concepts and techniques.The book blends traditional management concepts with a practical and applied management skills emphasis... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate courses in Customer Service, Training and Development, and Service Marketing; also as a supplement for a course in Marketing Principles. The market-leader, Customer Service: A Practical Approach... czytaj dalej
Solomon, the legend goes, had a magic ring which enabled him to speak to the animals in their own language. Konrad Lorenz was gifted with a similar power of understanding the animal world. He was that rare... czytaj dalej
Drawing together a selection of high quality, intellectually robust and stimulating articles on both theoretical and practice-based developments in the field, this Reader investigates the closely linked areas... czytaj dalej
There has been an explosive growth in the number of corporates, investors and financial institutions turning to structured products to achieve cost savings, risk controls and yield enhancements. However, the... czytaj dalej