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Robust Industrial Control Systems: Optimal Design Approach for Polynomial Systems presents a comprehensive introduction to the use of frequency domain and polynomial system design techniques for a range of... czytaj dalej
Commodity Fundamentals provides comprehensive coverage of supply/demand data for more than 20 physical commodities in the precious metals, energy, grains, and tropical commodity markets. Detailed information... czytaj dalej
Harry and Doug are ready to rule the third grade-- if these two best friends can find the right room! But third grade turns out to be a whole new adventure, with a different classroom and new teachers. Some... czytaj dalej
Throughout any theatrical production the director is pivotal to the success of the operation. He or she is entrusted with the responsibility of making decisions that affect the artistic and often financial... czytaj dalej
The term 'Post-Impressionists' was coined in 1910 to describe the work of the French painters of the 1880s and 1890s, principally Cézanne, Gauguin and Van Gogh, but it has never been a satisfactory label. In... czytaj dalej
Managers often find it difficult to keep up with the multitude of factors that impact learning and knowledge management in business. This helpful volume analyzes these factors, details better practices for... czytaj dalej
Too many companies are managed not by leaders, but by mere role players and faceless bureaucrats. What does it take to be a real leader'one who is confident in who they are and what they stand for and who truly... czytaj dalej
Major service providers worldwide are ramping up VPNs over IP and, since 2002, migrating from Layer 2 connections to Layer 3 IP MPLS/VPNs, indicating that IP MPLS/VPNs are the primary growth vehicle for service... czytaj dalej
Ta niezwykła książka odkrywa przed Czytelnikiem zadziwijące prawa rządzące światem organizmów żywych i prowokuje do poszukiwania odpowiedzi na wiele zagadek natury. W tomie między innymi: - W jakim celu poszczególne... czytaj dalej
#8222;Podręcznik prawa rzymskiego profesora Kazimierza Kolańczyka powstał (ponad) ćwierć wieku temu i zyskał sobie wielkie uznanie, tak wśród polskich romanistów, jak i studentów, a także pracowników zajmujących... czytaj dalej