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Volume 1 Outlines and Study Guides Covers all four sections of the CPA examination point by point Stresses important topical areas to study for each part Helps establish a self-study preparation program Divides... czytaj dalej
When you have an author as good as Terry Pratchett writing for children, you expect that the result will be a novel of great invention, assured comic timing and a generally all-round highly readable fantasy... czytaj dalej
A volume in W.B. Saunders' best-selling Fundamentals of Radiology series, this compact resource equips readers to interpret fluoroscopic studies quickly and correctly! It offers thorough, hands-on guidance... czytaj dalej
Study of the history and politics of non-governmental organisations NGOs are fast taking over the world of development so there is an increasing need to analyse their effect Discusses how and why the actions... czytaj dalej
Illustrates how to set up symmetry groups for molecules using more fundamental ideasProvides an introductory description of MS and quantum mechanics Derives point group symmetry by approximation from MS group... czytaj dalej
Throughout seven prior editions, Kaplan Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry has defined the field of psychiatry. Every edition has received accolades from the highest levels of psychiatry, and established... czytaj dalej
Forestry is one of the most important foundations of the Scandinavian economies. Sustainable Forestry in Southern Sweden: The SUFOR Research Project closely reviews the findings from the eight-year research... czytaj dalej
This book addresses very different subjects from research to practice, from medicine to information technology and from medical informatics issues. In most of the European countries, the United States, Canada... czytaj dalej
Lady Pank przekonuje nas, że Aniołowie, jeśli tylko są, kryją się w metalowych bunkrach. Nie jest to do końca prawda. Dzięki tej książce możesz zaprosić je bowiem do swego życia. Kontakt z nimi może nawiązać... czytaj dalej
Moi przyjaciele to seria kartonowych książeczek, adresowanych do małych dzieci. Maluchy dowiedzą się z nich różnych ciekawostek o zwierzętach.... czytaj dalej