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Left Shift
J. Walker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Compared to the 1960s, the 1970s is a neglected decade. This is a history of radical political art in Britain during the 1970s, art that sought to re-establish a social purpose. It argues that what was unique... czytaj dalej

Walking in Scotland 1e
Sandra Bardwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Remote, beautiful, exhilarating - through magnificent glens, across rugged mountains and around windswept islands, Scotland beckons. This new guide reveals a wealth of walking in a varied, mystical and ancient... czytaj dalej

Don Quichotte de la Manche v1
A. Saavedra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

La-dessus ils. découvrirent trente ou quarante moulins a vent, et, des que don Quichotte les vit, il dit a son écuyer : ? La fortune conduit nos affaires mieux que nous n'eussions su désirer, car voila, ami... czytaj dalej

Princess True Story of Life
J. Sasson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the true story of what life is like for a Saudi Arabian Princess. Told to the author by a member of the Saudi Arabian Royal Family who wishes to remain anonymous, it describes a life of oppression and... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of German Biography v 8
W. Killy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Dictionary of German Biography is the English-language version of the renowned Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie. It is a unique and comprehensive work containing biographies of some 56,000 people from... czytaj dalej

Letter of Resignation
Twombly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Kaum ein zeitgenössischer Maler', so formulierte es einmal Heiner Bastian, der Autor dieses Buches, 'hat wie Twombly, von den Erfahrungen und Möglichkeiten der post-abstrakten Malerei ausgehend, diese Abstraktion... czytaj dalej

Dt.Exilliteratur Bd.2/2
J. Spelek,J. Strelka Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Deutschsprachige Exilliteratur seit 1933 provides an overview of German-speaking exile literature in the USA. Exiled authors are those German-speaking authors who emigrated during the Thirties due to political... czytaj dalej

Bean Script Book
R. Curtis,R. Driscoll Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The unabridged script of the film "Dr Bean", in which the humorous Rowan Atkinson character, Mr Bean, is sent to America on a cultural exchange. The book also includes an introduction by the film's... czytaj dalej

Stephen Fry Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Ted Wallace is an old, sour, womanising, cantankerous, whisky-sodden beast of a failed poet and drama critic, but he has his faults too. Fired from his newspaper, months behind on his alimony payments and disgusted... czytaj dalej

Star Wars-Outbound Flight
Zahn Wydawnictwo: inne

Before the start of the Clone Wars, the future Emperor was already maneuvering to destroy the Jedi. This is the tale of the doomed Outbound Flight Project, which began as a new hope for the galaxy...and ended... czytaj dalej