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A comprehensive survey of the major historical periods of interior architecture and decorative styles, History of Interior Design Furniture, Second Edition features more than 175 new illustrations, including... czytaj dalej
As our understanding of aging and Alzheimer's, and the cultural changes related to these phenomena, grows so do the implications for interior design. Focus on recent innovations in care environments for the... czytaj dalej
A Landmark text thoroughly updated, including a new CD As digital devices continue to be produced at increasingly lower costs and with higher speeds, the need for effective electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)... czytaj dalej
A hilarious fantasy, co-written by Terry Pratchett, aged seventeen, and master storyteller, Terry Pratchett, aged forty-three. In the beginning there was nothing but endless flatness. Then came the Carpet ... czytaj dalej
The story of Laura Diaz, following her life from 1905 to 1978, and filled with the sounds and colours, tastes and scents of Mexico. We see Laura as she grows into a politically committed artist who is also... czytaj dalej
A space frame is a three-dimensional framework for enclosing spaces in which all members are interconnected and act as a single entity. A benefit of this type of structure is that very large spaces can be covered... czytaj dalej
"Bodies at Work" provides the first full-length, accessible account of the body/work relation in contemporary western societies. Bringing together fields of sociology that have hitherto developed... czytaj dalej
One of the most neglected aftereffects of brain injury is gender role strain. Brain Injury and Gender Role Strain tells the story of four brain-injured men who suffered because they had lost the roles, relationships... czytaj dalej
Here is a new and proven system called Waste-Free Manufacturing (WFM) that rapidly deploys the lean process. The book will give you step-by-step directions to making rapid, lasting changes. Davis has created... czytaj dalej
Icons of surrealism such as the Lobster Telephone and Mae West Lips sofa would not exist if it weren't for Edward James. Born into fabulous wealthhis father was a scion of the Phelps-Dodge dynasty, his mother... czytaj dalej