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The Routledge Book of World Proverbs invites the reader to travel the globe in search of the origins of such words of wisdom, experiencing the rich cultural traditions reflected in each nations proverbs. This... czytaj dalej
The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Surgical Pathology CD-ROM offers today's most comprehensive and high-quality pictorial assistance in identifying a range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic entities. Extraordinary full-colour... czytaj dalej
Taxolreg;, a naturally occurring diterpenoid is one of the most exciting antitumor drugs available today. Its current indications (refractory ovarian and metastatic breast cancer) may soon be expanded since... czytaj dalej
Donald McBurney and co-author Theresa White bring years of dedicated scholarship, research, and teaching experience to "Research Methods." This concise text puts psychological research into a larger... czytaj dalej
Take a fascinating journey through the history of trains, from the early steam engines to the latest high-speed machines, and find out how they work. Clear text, superb photographs and interesting diagrams... czytaj dalej
Around the year 776, Beatus of Liebana compiled a commentary on the "Apocalypse", which has come down to us in 32 manuscripts and fragments, spanning the 9th to the 13th century. This is the third... czytaj dalej
This fully illustrated, practical and modern handbook is the perfect guide for today's dog owner. Written by top veterinarians and animal behaviourists Graham Meadows and Elsa Flint. This book is comprehensive... czytaj dalej
Although the architect of the White's victory, Auraya's first taste of war has left her sleep filled with nightmares. She walks in fields of blood while the dead rise in accusation. You killed us. You. It seems... czytaj dalej
Książki z serii CULTURE to cenne źródła informacji o historii i zabytkach najpiękniejszych miast Polski oraz Europy. Zawierają informacje niezbędne turystom do zaplanowania zwiedzania, a także wskazują miejsca... czytaj dalej
TWÓJ UMYSŁ TO TY... ZDOLNOŚCI, PLANY, MARZENIA... TWOJA DROGA DO SZCZĘŚCIA! Nieustannie ktoś doradza nam, jak żyć, jak odnaleźć szczęście, ale życiowy sukces to nie magia, nie jakiś mglisty cel to praca nad... czytaj dalej