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- Easy visual approach uses pictures to guide you through Photoshop and show you what to do; - Concise steps and explanations let you get up and running in no time; - Page for page, the best content and value... czytaj dalej
Latifa was born into an educated middle-class Afghan family in Kabul in 1980. She dreamed of one day becoming a journalist, she was interested in fashion, movies and friends. Her father was in the import/export... czytaj dalej
Translation practice, translation theory and translation criticism have all been affected by the focus on gender. With the dismantling of "universal" meaning and the struggle for women's visibility... czytaj dalej
This monograph examines the work of Jon Jerde and the Jerde Partnership. It looks at the partnership's most significant built and unbuilt projects to illustrate the architect's evolution from shopping centre... czytaj dalej
Fundamentale und dabei sehr motivierende Darstellung in die Funktionsweise der Marktwirtschaft für Wirtschaftsstudenten im Grundstudium. ... czytaj dalej
Gujarati's Basic Econometrics provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics without resorting to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the elementary level. Because of the way... czytaj dalej
Radio actor Iron Rinn is a big Newark roughneck lighted by a brutal personal secret from which he is perpetually in flight. An idealistic Communist, an uneducated ditchdigger turned popular performer, a six-foot... czytaj dalej
Master Traders provides access to top traders and their unique approaches to analyzing the markets and managing risk. The contributors#150;including leading hedge fund managers, technical analysts, and top... czytaj dalej
In 2004 the European Union and NATO each added ten new member states, most from the post-communist countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In order to prepare for membership, these countries had to make many... czytaj dalej
Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson return to the vivid universe of Frank Herbert#8217;s Dune, bringing a vast array of rich and complex characters into conflict to shape the destiny of worlds....As Shaddam... czytaj dalej