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Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1874?1927) is considered by many to be the first American dadaist as well as the mother of dada. An innovator in poetic form and an early creator of junk sculpture, "the Baroness"... czytaj dalej
This volume focuses on the medical and surgical issues surrounding children born with ambiguous genitalia and intersex states. The editors, all renowned in this area of pediatrics, discuss the most recent medical... czytaj dalej
More than 170 native peoples around the world are facing life-and-death struggles to maintain environments threatened by oil spills, explosions, toxic chemicals, global warming, and other pollutants.' This... czytaj dalej
Civilization in the West blends social and political history into a fascinating narrative that brings history to life. The authors tell a compelling story of Western Civilization that is enhanced by an image-based... czytaj dalej
Incorporating the newly adopted OT Practice Framework, this market-leading text takes an evidence-based look at children at various ages and stages in development, comprehensively addressing both conditions... czytaj dalej
MANAGEMENT: A COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACH presents theory, relevant applications, and innovation. The authors continue to place emphasis on six managerial competencies?self-management, strategic action, planning... czytaj dalej
This monograph is based on a symposium held in the National Gallery, London which showed how Richard II's beliefs may have been expressed in the highly religious work, the Wilton Diptych, and how he aspired... czytaj dalej
This volume describes the History of the city of Auschwitz during the Second World War, focussing on the conceptional, chronological and spatial unity of the policy of Germanization and extermination both in... czytaj dalej
This book is a synopsis of up-to-date knowledge on the quantification of ocular blood perfusion and originates from expert lectures held at the 1995 Glaucoma Meeting in Switzerland. In the first section, a... czytaj dalej
The poster acquired the category of art at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe and later in the United States. Major museums and private institutions in this latter country and in Germany, France and... czytaj dalej