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Increased global travel has changed the way we think about disease distribution. Diseases once considered of localised interest can be disseminated more readily than ever due to the increased speed of international... czytaj dalej
The Primary Sources Edition of America Past and Present integrates the social and political dimensions of American history into one rich chronological narrative and includes two to three primary sources per... czytaj dalej
Drawing from the expertise of prominent academics in their respective fields, this collaborative work takes a sweeping view of the ways we build things, beginning at the scale of products and interiors, to... czytaj dalej
Now available in a new improved format, this second edition is completely revised and updated. An Introductory Guide to Flow Measurement is an indispensable guide for the busy practising engineer. It provides... czytaj dalej
Im Auftrag des Patriziers reist Sam Mumm von der Stadtwache in das geheimnisvolle Land Überwald. Dort erfährt er, dass den Zwergen die uralte Steinsemmel, das Symbol der Königswürde, gestohlen wurde. Er stellt... czytaj dalej
Rice's Vampire Chronicles continue with the story of the vampire Marius. Once a proud senator in Rome, Marius is made a vampire and witnesses the fall of pagan Rome and the horrific scourge of the Black Death... czytaj dalej
The most comprehensive coverage of auditing standards, practices, and procedures Written by a leading author of auditing literature, Wiley Practitioner#146;s Guide to GAAS 2007 offers the most authoritative... czytaj dalej
This book develops a framework for analyzing the creation and consolidation of democracy. Different social groups prefer different political institutions because of the way they allocate political power and... czytaj dalej
Another 'Discworld' novel. In this episode, the Discword is moving inexorably towards a collision with a malevolent redstar. There is only one man who can save the planet, the strange and hapless wizard Rincewind... czytaj dalej
"Be a MAN in the City Watch! The City Watch needs MEN!"But what it's gotincludes Corporal Carrot (technically a dwarf), Lance-constable Detritus (a troll), Lance-constable Angua (a woman...most of... czytaj dalej