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Wydanie z opracowaniem, notatki na marginesie, cytaty, które warto znać, streszczenie.... czytaj dalej
Książka przedstawia kształtowanie się kultury audiowizualnej i jej współczesnych przemian. Interesuje się starymi mediami: słowem, obrazem, literaturą w nowej sytuacji komunikacyjnej, mową w potocznym porozumiewaniu... czytaj dalej
This book examines the emergence, role and future of the EU as an actor in world politics. It looks at the core areas of European foreign policy: economy; trade; the environment; development; common foreign... czytaj dalej
"Cyber Terrorism: Political and Economic Implications" is a cyber terrorism brief that outlines many of the recent terrorist activities, political objectives, and their use of cyberspace. Much of... czytaj dalej
"Somehow I woke up one day and found myself in bed with a stranger." Meant literally or figuratively, this statement describes one of the best-known plots in world mythology and popular storytelling... czytaj dalej
At the request of his friend Ariadne (an eccentric mystery lover based on Christie herself), Hercule arrives at a sprawling estate to partake in a weekend game of mock murder. But when the victim appears far... czytaj dalej
Otto Weininger's controversial book Sex and Character, first published in Vienna in 1903, is a prime example of the conflicting discourses central to its time: antisemitism, scientific racism and biologism... czytaj dalej
"In Search of the Lost Cord" is a scientific detective story, the stuff of science fiction en route to science fact. People trapped by the limitation of paralyzed limbs, rendered useless by devastating... czytaj dalej
Agroforestry and silvopastoralism are ancient ways of managing forestland that should be encouraged as they increase productivity in the short, medium and long terms (in comparison with forestland), biodiversity... czytaj dalej
Bringing the reader an up-to-date picture of the medical understanding of ovarian cancer, this book includes chapters on screening, imaging, surgery and histopathology. It contains an overview of cancer of... czytaj dalej