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Nauka czystości psa
Liz Palika Wydawnictwo: Rebis

Nauczenie psa czystości wymaga często takiego samego wysiłku, co odzwyczajenie dziecka od pieluch. To wyczerpujący i długotrwały proces. Na szczęście dzięki odpowiedniej organizacji czasu i konsekwentnemu nagradzaniu... czytaj dalej

Economic Origins of Antisemitism
H. Levine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this exploration of the economic roots of anti-semitism, the author traces the position of Jews in Poland from the end of the 16th century to the demise of the Polish State in 1795. The book explains why... czytaj dalej

Born to be Bad
C. Voigt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Some kids just aren't very good at being...good. Sometimes they just don't want to be. It's much more fun to be really, really bad...Margalo and Mikey meet on the first day of fifth grade. They are not best... czytaj dalej

Advances in Nephrology v31
Grunfekd Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The distinguished editorial board chooses topics that are most critical and clinically relevant to improving patient care. Invited experts write original, comprehensive articles, summarizing the vital changes... czytaj dalej

T. Yeshin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides both an understanding of the application of the principles of advertising from a practitioner perspective, as well as a sound academic underpinning, and illustrated with examples of contemporary practice. ... czytaj dalej

Retinoids Clinician's Guide
Nicholas Lowe,Ronald Marks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book, drawing on a wealth of international experience, brings the practising clinician up to date with the status of retinoid drugs. Particular emphasis is placed on their clinical use and benefits, as... czytaj dalej

World Food New Orleand 1e
P. Johnson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

New Orleans' kitchens are home to a world of flavors. French colonists, African slaves and Native Americans have influenced what goes into the gumbo pot, and have shaped the festivals for which Creoles, Cajuns... czytaj dalej

Cycling Australia 1e
Wells Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cycle the best of Australia, with 31 tours along great beaches, across the High Country and through quiet country towns. Find a tour to suit you: explore Sydneyĺs famous harbour; enjoy a few days of wineries... czytaj dalej

Candida Hofer Architecture of Absence
Glenn Wydawnictwo: inne

Over the last thirty years, Candida Hofer has created meticulously composed images of the interiors of public and institutional spaces - spaces marked with the richness of human activity, yet largely devoid... czytaj dalej

Nouvelle Heloise v2 (2420)
J. Rousseau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

De ce roman épistolaire dont le critique Henri Coulet souligne bien 'l'ambiguité générale' se dégage cependant une these: l'amour est un élan naturel qui privilégie deux etres et les aide a se dépasser moralement... czytaj dalej