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They have wielded enormous financial power and dominated world politics for more than half a century. They have been appointed to positions of great power and have been elected as governors, congressmen, senators... czytaj dalej
'Economic Foundations of Injury and Death Damages is a terrific collection of articles on the economics of damages payments in personal injury cases. The editors Roger Kaufman, James Rodgers, and Gerald Martin... czytaj dalej
Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Frog Prince, and The Princess and the Pea are the five most beloved princess stories in all of childrenąs literature. In these fresh retellings, just right for reading... czytaj dalej
This book describes in detail the technologies that are in use or under development at the end of the 20th century, which are designed to provide high-quality fuels and ensure their optimal use in the engines... czytaj dalej
This volume looks at community responses to industrial disasters that, going far beyond routine, constitute "surprise" disasters. Straining against the limits of society's capacity to adjust, these... czytaj dalej
Takes a closer look at those beings who have a benevolent interest in the continuing welfare of Earth's inhabitants - and those who don't. ... czytaj dalej
Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning, by Sally Jones is a different approach to the study of taxation from the traditional tax return preparation approach. This book teaches students... czytaj dalej
For one or two term courses in genetics in the departments of Biology, Zoology, Agriculture or Health Science.Emphasis on problem solving skills NEW: "Now Solve This" - Directs students to a problem... czytaj dalej
The updated 8th edition of this classic reference provides a visually-oriented presentation of dental macromorphology and evidence-based chronologies of the human dentitions, while reflecting definitive shifts... czytaj dalej
Nowoczesna geografia fizyczna świata w jednym tomie!Podręcznik w niezwykle przystępny sposób i w skondensowanej formie prezentuje wiedzę z zakresu regionalnej geografii fizycznej. Kolejne rozdziały poświęcone... czytaj dalej