The story revolves around Toma, who is head-over-heels in love...with himself! However, so is everyone else around him; and he knows that his business partner and old friend Enoki is no exception. Toma doesn't blame him -- after all, he is only the most brilliant, beautiful, and all-around perfect person to ever walk the face of the Earth! Who wouldn't fall for him? Weirdly enough, Enoki is convinced that Toma returns his feelings. But they should both know by now that there's no one he loves more than himself...right!?
Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2009-09-17
Kategoria: Komiksy
Liczba stron: 190
Język oryginału: japoński
Każdy z uczniów szkoły średniej w małym klubie tańca jest z innego powodu. Natsu dołączyła z miłości do tańca hip-hop, a Haba Takahiro dzięki kilku bezlitosnym...
Yoko is a high school heartthrob with a reputation for amazing techniques in the bedroom -- at least that's what his fellow students gossip about him....
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