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The enjoyment of products is closely related to the senses, and in the case of food - mainly taste, aroma and texture. Sensory evaluation is a dynamic field concentrating on the utilization of humans for the... czytaj dalej
Now in its sixth edition, "Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual" is designed for the junior-level soil mechanics/geotechnical engineering laboratory course in civil engineering programs. It includes eighteen... czytaj dalej
Baudrillard has become incredibly popular in architecture in recent years and this is the first time that the work of one of the world#8217;s greatest ever philosophers has been pulled together to present a... czytaj dalej
Where would we be without the traditional London caff? Milk bars, ice-cream parlours and espresso bars are all a feature of the London landscape that were borne out of the 1940s to 1960s. It is a time when... czytaj dalej
One of the oldest and most versatile building materials available, brick is used for period landscape design in walkways, entry pavements, courtyards, terraces, porticoes, steps, and fencewalls. With the increased... czytaj dalej
Covering the essentials of reading a chart, understanding tides, using navigation instruments, plotting a position and planning a passage, this book is suitable for novices of all ages wanting a simple introduction... czytaj dalej
"The Dictionary of Food" is the indispensable companion for everyone who loves reading about food, or cooking it. We live in a globalised world, and our tastes in food have widened dramatically in... czytaj dalej
This lively and informative new title was originally inspired by the author's Italian mother and her struggles with the vagaries of the English language. Over the years the author has tried to correct her attempts... czytaj dalej
There is no question that Leonardo da Vinci and his "Mona Lisa" are two of the most recognizable names in the world. Leonardo is the subject of much veneration and debate, but he left behind only... czytaj dalej
Steven Bedford is an architectural historian who, through this book, follows the career of famous archit ect John Russell Pope. Considered one of America''s finest an d most important classical architects Pope''s... czytaj dalej