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Architecture The Element of Success
S. Knittel-Ammerschuber Wydawnictwo: inne

The focus of businesses today is more than ever on transparency, flexibility, openness, and the ability to communicate, values that must also be reflected in a company's architecture. Only those who clearly... czytaj dalej

Really Useful Handbook of Reptile Husbandry 2e
J. Gosden Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The keeping of exotic animals is becoming an increasingly popular aspect of pet ownership. Reptile owners are becoming more and more inexperienced as the popularity of these animals becomes more widespread... czytaj dalej

Olympic Cities
J. Gold Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Olympic Cities" provides the first full overview of the changing relationship between cities and the Olympic events since 1896. With eighteen specially commissioned and original essays written by... czytaj dalej

Louis I Kahn Beyond Time & Style
C. Wiseman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drawing on interviews with colleagues, clients and family members, this book documents the uniquely American rise of a poor immigrant to the pinnacle of the international architectural world. It illuminates... czytaj dalej

Researching the Culture in Agri-Culture
M. Cernea Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book analyzes the functions, content, methods, findings, and impacts of social and cultural research carried out by the worldwide network of 16 International Agricultural Research Centers of the CGIAR... czytaj dalej

B. Cosgrave Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAMPLE takes its place in a series of surveys identifying 100 of the most interesting, cutting-edge practitioners of key art forms. Earlier surveys include cream and Fresh Cream, for contemporary art, 10x10... czytaj dalej

Powell/Kleinschmidt Interior Architecture
Werner Blaser Wydawnictwo: inne

Powell/Kleinschmidt is a design firm based in Chicago. This book documents a selection of their designs, incorporating environments of a variety of scales. It argues that successful interior design is not just... czytaj dalej

Carl und Gerhart Hauptmann
Białęk Edward, Czarnecka Mirosława Wydawnictwo: inne

Hans-Gert RoloffCarl Hauptmanns Napoleon-DramenUrszula KawalecBilder des Anderen - Zigeuner im Werk von Carl HauptmannDirk DalbergKultur- versus Realpolitik. Gerhart Hauptmanns Politikbegriffe in politik- und... czytaj dalej

Bird Flu A Rising Pandemic in Asia & Beyond?
P. Tambyah Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chickens cannot be bought in Vietnam restaurants for love or money. New reports are emerging every week of the global reach of avian influenza in birds. Africa and Europe are now affected by what was thought... czytaj dalej