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Patrick Heron (1920-99) was one of the leading British artists of his generation, and an important figure in the development of post-war abstract art. Working and living in Cornwall for most of his creative... czytaj dalej
Taking the reader on a privileged tour of the city's stunning private palaces and villas, and many of the less well-known public buildings and churches, this book offers fresh discoveries from one of the world's... czytaj dalej
Beneath the world's waters lie landscapes, species, vegetation and populations as diverse and splendid as those on land, yet these kingdoms have been explored by few. is an extraordinary look at the work of... czytaj dalej
A collection of portraits of twelve-year-old girls from around the United States. ... czytaj dalej
This study provides an historical context for the origin and evolution of the Spanish tradition of Apocalpyse imagery. The volumes in this series include an introductory text and catalogue raisonnee in chronological... czytaj dalej
Tom 1 Archiwum Sztuki Polskiej XX wieku zawiera monografie dwóch artystów, których dorobek malarski jest istotnym wkładem do międzywojennej sztuki polskiej.Konrad Winkler i Aleksander Rafałowski należeli do... czytaj dalej
The ambitious subject matter, versatile brushwork and daring conceptions of watercolorists William Blake, Thomas Rowlandson, J.M.W. Turner, Samuel Palmer, David Cox, James Whistler and 81 other artists enliven... czytaj dalej
Tamara de Lempicka's distinctive painting style was as glamorous as her subject matter-the writers, aristocrats, artists, and entertainers of Paris in the age of Art Deco. Born in Poland, De Lempicka (1898-1980)... czytaj dalej
This introduction to conceptual art explores the reasons why the new avant-garde chose to produce such work. Conceptual art has set out to undermine two concepts associated with art - the production of objects... czytaj dalej
PL: Marek Derwich - "Badania archeologiczno-architektoniczne w Polsce: uwagi historyka"; Andrzej M. Wyrwa - "Stan i potrzeby badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych klasztorów cysterskich (linia... czytaj dalej