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Jewellery v.1-2
Bury Wydawnictwo:

An important standard work which covers the general development of designs in relation to Europe as well as on a world-wide basis. It discusses the adaptation of older materials to new styles such as historicism... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Greek Art
Gisela Richter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This classic and authoritative survey is now in its ninth edition.... czytaj dalej

Grand Illusions
C. Cass Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This stimulating book looks at one of the most attractive and exciting forms of interior decoration: mural and trompe l'oeil painting. The work of more than forty of the best contemporary artists on both sides... czytaj dalej

C. Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Colin Jones followed an unusual path into photography having been a dancer with the Royal Ballet until his late twenties. It was among his colleagues in the company that he began to take photographs and through... czytaj dalej

On Tour with Renzo Piano
R. Piano Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A personal tour through some of the key buildings by the Renzo Piano Workshop. Each project is introduced with text by Renzo Piano himself and colour photographs take the reader on a visual guide around each... czytaj dalej

Jennifer Pastor The Perfect Ride
J. Tumlir Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Perfect Ride (1997-2002) is a major new three-part installation by Jennifer Pastor, who first received nationwide recognition in 1996 when her installation The Four Seasons (1992-96) was featured in solo... czytaj dalej

Dietmar Elger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dadaista to ktoś, kto żyje we wszystkich niemożliwych do zdefiniowania i pojęcia formach i kto wie i mówi: życie nie istnieje tylko tutaj, ale da, da (tam, tam)! Johannes Baader... czytaj dalej

Documentary Makers
D. Goldsmith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A series of in-their-own-words interviews with 15 directors whose work has, in some way, extended the boundary of the documentary. They constitute a tiny proportion of those working in the field, but they represent... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Chinese Film
Yingjin Zhang Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Encyclopedia of Chinese Film, one of the first ever encyclopedias in this area, provides alphabetically organized entries on directors, genres, themes, and actors and actresses from mainland China, Hong... czytaj dalej

Coming of Age
Simon Wydawnictwo: inne

During his 45-year career, Will McBride - an American who has spent his adult life in Germany - has created this extended photographic portrait of male adolescence.' ... czytaj dalej