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Chickens cannot be bought in Vietnam restaurants for love or money. New reports are emerging every week of the global reach of avian influenza in birds. Africa and Europe are now affected by what was thought... czytaj dalej
Książka przedstawia mechanizm wykorzystania instytucji międzynarodowych w kształtowaniu stosunków między państwami, a także we wspomaganiu pożądanych procesów zachodzących w tych państwach. Wskazuje na sprzężenie... czytaj dalej
Professional investors are bombarded on a day to day basis with assertions about the role liquidity is playing and will play in determining prices in the financial markets. Few, if any, of the providers or... czytaj dalej
Concentrates on the design and architecture of the 1960s, this book traces the transition from the "Contemporary" design of the 1950s to the pure geometry of "the look" and the styles that... czytaj dalej
Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest terminom w polskim procesie cywilnym, które stanowią jedną z kluczowych instytucji w polskim systemie prawnym, rzutującą na cały bieg postępowania sądowego. W opracowaniu kolejno... czytaj dalej
The Vein Book is a comprehensive reference on veins and venous circulation. In one volume it provides complete, authoritative, and up-to-date information about venous function and dysfunction, bridging the... czytaj dalej
The innovative strength of the world's two largest economies, the United States and Japan, are based on two very different forms of industrial and social organization. For the United States, venture companies... czytaj dalej
Widely regarded as the most important metal and glass structure of the 19th century, the Palais des Machines was widely admired at the time of its inauguration at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889. Although... czytaj dalej
Encyclopedia of Stress, Four-Volume Set, 2e ... czytaj dalej
This graduate text, based on years of teaching experience, is intended for first or second year graduate students in pure mathematics. The main goal of the text is to show how the computer can be used as a... czytaj dalej