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Our whole nation benefits from the preservation of natural habitats and their diversity of animal and plant species--yet small groups of private landowners often bear most of the costs of setting land aside... czytaj dalej
More than two hundred years ago, Russian Empress Catherine the Great and some of her courtiers developed a taste for British art and collected some spectacular items including paintings, drawings, sculpture... czytaj dalej
Like most Jews living in Berlin, Herbert Sonnenfeld lost his job in 1933. He decided to visit Palestine, where he photographed the poor refugees in that undeveloped country. When he returned to Berlin, his... czytaj dalej
One of the most successful all-inclusive rhetorics on the market, this classic distinguishes itself with a story, poem, and photo writing assignment in each modes chapter.This systematic rhetoric/reader/handbook... czytaj dalej
This volume examines 20 houses designed by Marcel Breuer in collaboration with Herbert Beckhard. The houses are noted for such dynamics as interior spaces that flow into each other, a denial of extraneous detail... czytaj dalej
This innovative handbook aims to bridge the gap between the colorectal surgeon, the stoma nurse and the dermatologist. It addresses the questions of what pathology is involved, what can be done by nurses, when... czytaj dalej
This volume in the "Elite" series details the forces which fought for Vietnamese independence from the early post-war battles against the French to the modern conflicts against China and in Cambodia. ... czytaj dalej
Drawing upon one of the world's finest collections of illustrative material, An Atlas of Investigation and Therapy: Interventional Cardiology demonstrates the practical application of interventional procedures... czytaj dalej
Benozzo Gozzoli (1420 -1497) was highly regarded as a painter of frescoes, and created vivid, detailed pictorial worlds. Hi rich talent for narrative was given a documentary character by the inclusion of portraits... czytaj dalej
With the advent of advanced satellite sensors, high resolution satellite imagery, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), that enables mapping and modelling of the landscape... czytaj dalej