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William is a lonely young man under the illusion that he is a comic genius. A disastrous appearance as a stand-up comic in a pub called The Man in the Moon is the start of his adventures. ... czytaj dalej
The two previous editions were written as easy-to-read introductions to the UML, and how to apply its notation and semantics to the unique requirements involved with the development of real-time and embedded... czytaj dalej
Need to learn what's new in .Mac fast? Try a Visual QuickStart!This best-selling reference's visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with .Mac in no time. In this... czytaj dalej
Winter in the Morning" contains an afterword by the author. ... czytaj dalej
This is a comprehensive introduction to the films of controversial Spanish director, Pedro Almodovar. It: investigates cultural and national contexts for his work; discusses issues of gender, sexuality, and... czytaj dalej
This text provides a guide to learning how normal findings appear in radiographs, and features checklists in each section to offer the reader a systematic way to approach the images. ... czytaj dalej
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), first introduced in 1936 by Drs. Emil and Estrid Vodder of Denmark, is a procedure which stimulates the lymphatic circulation with slow circular and careful pumping massage movements... czytaj dalej
Pontius Pilatus, der fünfte römische Präfekt Judäas, ist eine der undurchsichtigsten Gestalten der Geschichte. Wer war dieser Pontius Pilatus, der in den profanen Quellen so schlecht wegkommt, über den allerdings... czytaj dalej
Marketing has situated itself as an indispensable tool in today's business world-an unavoidable step in the process from production to consumption. This book is the first of its kind to map out the organizing... czytaj dalej
This book provides a complete guide for those participating in and those organising mooting competitions. It takes students through the principles and practical applications of mooting step-by-step. It shows... czytaj dalej