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This edition provides the general information on Chaucer's life, language, and works that one needs for a first reading of Chaucer, and difficult words and constructions are glossed on the pages. The Appendix... czytaj dalej
The dominant theme of post-Holocaust Jewish theology has been that of the temporary hiddenness of God, interpreted either as a divine mystery or, more commonly, as God's deferral to human freedom. But traditional... czytaj dalej
Behind headlines on the conflict in Iraq and global terrorism, a much deeper battle is raging over children and the values they should adopt. Political and religious leaders including Blair and Bush have been... czytaj dalej
The authors examine the conditions under which democratic events, including elections, cabinet formations, and government dissolutions, affect asset markets. Where these events have less predictable outcomes... czytaj dalej
From "Gymnopedies" to the scandalous ballet "Relache", Erik Satie's creations are paradoxical and extraordinary, and the mask the composer created for himself was as deliberately ambiguous... czytaj dalej
A collection of stories by a writer noted for "a way of conjuring up scenes that vibrate with subtle tensions"--New York Times Book Review. In the title story, a woman falls for the lure and beauty... czytaj dalej
The Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976) remains one of the most catastrophic and complicated political movements of the twentieth century. Almost no visual documentation of the period exists that which... czytaj dalej
LIFE STYLE is the first book to document Maus creative process and his studio practice, Bruce Mau Design (BMD). Since founding his Toronto-based studio in 1985, Mau has become one of the worlds most sought-after... czytaj dalej
A guide designed for Web developers of all abilities using Java 2 technology. Includes CD-ROM with the latest Java 2 SDK. This is a must-have book that shows Web developers how to implement rich interactive... czytaj dalej
High-YieldÂŞ Biostatistics, Third Edition provides a concise review of the biostatistics concepts that are tested in the USMLE Step 1. Information is presented in an easy-to-follow format, with High-Yield... czytaj dalej