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M. Fox Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sophie loves her grandpa. And her grandpa, of course, loves Sophie. They are best friends. And then one day there is no grandpa.' ... czytaj dalej

Luminous Debris
G. Sobin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text explores the landscapes of Provence and Languedoc, drawing on prehistory, protohistory, and Gallo-Roman antiquity, focusing on a particular place or artifact for the relevance inherent in each. A... czytaj dalej

Skinny Dip
Carl Hiaasen Wydawnictwo: inne

Chaz Perrone might be the only marine scientist in the world who doesn't know which way the Gulf Stream runs. But he's just found a way to make a fortune out of the Florida Everglades, and he's damned if anyone's... czytaj dalej

Miller European Accounting Guide 5e
Alexander Wydawnictwo: inne

The fifth edition of the Miller European Accounting Guide delivers critical new information on the vastly different accounting systems of European countries. Disparate regulations, customs, and accounting practices... czytaj dalej

101 Things to Do with Your Computer
Doherty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide explores the range of possibilities available with modern computers. Using colourful illustrations and screenshots this guide opens up new horizons for children aged 10 years and over.... czytaj dalej

Architect's Drawings
Smith Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The sketch is a window into the architects mind. As creative designers, architects are interested in how other architects, particularly successful ones, think through the use of drawings to approach their work... czytaj dalej

Essential Anatomy Dissector Following Grant's Method
Hansen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its Second Edition, this concise guide highlights the key concepts and important structures of human anatomy. Its intent is to take the medical student through the dissection process quickly and efficiently... czytaj dalej

Literary Masters vol.1 F. Scott Fitzgerald
M. Bruccoli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature puts authors... czytaj dalej

Right Royal Bastards
P. Beauclerk-Dewar Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Sex, power, mystery and blood - gripping, untold stories about the British monarchy and their unofficial offspring. ... czytaj dalej

Artists' Interiors
Dickson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Every creative spirit - whether painter, writer, sculptor or designer - craves inspirational settings in which to exercise his or her craft. The right physical space can conjure up the artist's muse, stir up... czytaj dalej