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This review covers all medical and surgical aspects of general critical care from basic science to techniques in the intensive care unit. Cases deal with anaesthesia, intensive care, trauma, general surgery... czytaj dalej
This new motif index, published entirely in English, catalogues and accesses all the important narrative motifs in secular narrative literature written in German from the 9th to 14th centuries. The Motif Index... czytaj dalej
The Luba are one of the oldest recorded tribes in equatorial Africa. A Bantu-speaking people, they had already expanded their empire throughout central Africa by the 9th century AD. Much of this progress was... czytaj dalej
Now in a flexi edition, this classic exploration of erotic themes in Rodin#8217;s sculptures and drawings offers stunning visual and textual insight into the artist#8217;s work and ideas. Superbly reproduced... czytaj dalej
Carnegie Medalist Terry Pratchett serves up another fantastic Discworld tale, this time starring a budding witch -- and a pack of mini blue warriors -- on a rescue mission to find her kidnapped brother.Tiffany... czytaj dalej
A farmer finds a corpse floating near the mouth of the Yangtze River. This isn't the first time a body has washed up on his little piece of land. He's seen girl babies. He's seen young women. But this body... czytaj dalej
The hunt is on for a serial killer who is exploring the deepest fears hidden in old fairy tales. With each new crime is a grisly reference to folk stories collected by the Brothers Grimm. The killer is a monster... czytaj dalej
There is a great disturbance in the Force. . . . From the sleek ships of the glimmering Coruscant skyscape to the lush gardens of pastoral Naboo, dissent is roiling. The Republic is failing, even under the... czytaj dalej
This compact, well-illustrated and clearly written book unravels the contribution of two of modern theatres most charismatic innovators:. Hijikata Tatsumi and Ohno Kazuo is the first book to combine: an... czytaj dalej
This edition of the classic text in the field of international law has been rewritten to reflect the significant developments that have taken place since the 1980s in the law and practice of international institutions... czytaj dalej