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The enhanced pedagogy, streamlined presentation, and integrated media of The Cosmic Perspective, Third Edition, makes it easier than ever for students to successfully navigate their way through introductory... czytaj dalej
We know Jesus by many names: Savior, Son of God, Son of Man, Lord of All. In the book of Isaiah, Scripture also assigns him several other titles, including one we don't often consider: 'Everlasting Father.'... czytaj dalej
Diagnostic criteria, pathological features, and associated genetic alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O... czytaj dalej
Members of the Polish air force fought through the defeat of their own country in 1939 and then alongside the French until the fall of France the following year, when they made their varied ways to Britain... czytaj dalej
In this study of the news agency Al-Jazeera, Hugh Miles examines one of the fascinating new media companies--one whose fortunes are tied in with world events. Miles traces Al-Jazeera's beginnings in the BBC... czytaj dalej
The new edition of this one-of-a-kind atlas uses over 1,950 illustrations (1,450 in full colour) to masterfully illustrate everything, from anatomy and surgical geography to complex gynaecologic techniques... czytaj dalej
Exploding as politically revolutionary at the heart of the Paris 1968 uprisings, the Situationist International has proved a tenaciously compelling radical movement in terms of aesthetics and political theory... czytaj dalej
CCTV for Security Professionals provides the information necessary to design the ideal CCTV system. The chapters are stand-alone sources of information on their subjects and are presented in logical sequence... czytaj dalej
The causes and consequences of the filibusters' armed, illegal invasions of foreign countries; This fascinating study sheds new light on antebellum America's notorious "filibusters" - the freebooters... czytaj dalej
Pewnego wietrznego dnia Noddy i Misia Tesia puszczali na łące latawiec. Ale latawiec uciekł, a na miasteczko zabawek spadł dziwny deszcz. Tylko Noddy i Misia Tesia wiedzą, dlaczego tak się stało!...... czytaj dalej