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In this book, the studies of the Rouse, Doi-Edwards, and extended reputation theories are developed in a consistent manner from a basic level and discussed in detail. Viscoelastic properties of nearly monodisperse... czytaj dalej
Consumer Behavior, 9/e, by Hawkins, Best, Coney offers balanced coverage of consumer behavior including the psychological, social, and managerial implications. The new edition features current and exciting... czytaj dalej
In this superbly inventive, beautifully crafted novel, Gunter Grass relates, in dreamlike sequences, the end of this world and the beginning of an age of rats.Grass received her as a gift one Christmas. She... czytaj dalej
From folk ballads to film scripts, this new five-volume encyclopedia covers the entire history of British literature from the seventh century to the present, focusing on the writers and the major texts of what... czytaj dalej
Eddey Darbyshire, now in its seventh edition, continues to provide a concise and highly readable introduction to the contemporary legal system of England and Wales. The author draws on her considerable experience... czytaj dalej
This work: presents the essentials of commercial law in clear and straightforward language, explaining the basic principles; includes diagrams and flowcharts to ensure clarity of tricky areas; uses bulleted... czytaj dalej
Petrology 3rd edition successfully builds upon the strengths of its predecessor, but now also includes fresh and engaging features to bring the book to the forefront of today's teaching. New chapters on Volcanism... czytaj dalej
Revised to take account of the dynamic privatization programme undertaken by the Czech Republic since the break-up of Czechoslovakia in 1993, this edition provides businesses with a pragmatic guide describing... czytaj dalej
This book is the first of three to examine the genesis, organization and operational deployment of the US airborne divisions in World War II. This volume discusses pre-war and early-war airborne units, detailing... czytaj dalej
W dzisiejszych czasach mamy tak wiele spraw na głowie: pracę, szkołę, znajomych itp., itd., więc dla rodziny pozostaje nam często naprawdę mało czasu. Wiemy jednocześnie, że stabilna rodzina wychowuje szczęśliwe... czytaj dalej