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Extensively updated, with new contributors, brilliant new illustrations and a wealth of supporting material online, this 7th edition offers you a carefully structured approach to learning the building blocks... czytaj dalej
Lussier's: Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building, 6e takes an application/skill building approach to human relations. This approach suits professors, who want to incorporate more... czytaj dalej
Intended for managers and decision-makers who would like to have a better understanding of the vast amounts of statistical information in today's global business and economic environment. By utilizing Microsoft... czytaj dalej
In this collection of essays, Leszek Kolakowski delves into some of the most intellectually vigorous questions of our time.... czytaj dalej
In this publication, attention is devoted to the technical aspects in the work of Hans Vredeman de Vries. Throughout his long career, he has perfected his skills as a painter, architect, fortification engineer... czytaj dalej
As the author of almost two hundred architectural projects, and as one of the leading educators in the profession today, Stanley Tigerman's position within the American architectural establishment is firmly... czytaj dalej
When Acting Lt. Jim Chee catches a Hopi poacher huddled over a butchered Navajo Tribal police officer, he has an open-and-shut case--until his former boss, Joe Leaphorn, blows it wide open. Now retired from... czytaj dalej
When Lucy stumbles unexpectedly into the magical land of Narnia, she is afraid she will never make it back home. Luckily she meets a friendly Faun named Mr. Tumnus, who offers Lucy afternoon tea andhelps her find her way.... czytaj dalej
On the elegant slopes of the Pincian Hill, Falco finds himself beset by violent rent-racketeers, poisoners, and women without consciences who have dangerous designs on him.... czytaj dalej
The first of its kind, Nofsinger provides an overview of our corporate governance system in a flexible, modular format. Today, the term "corporate governance" is familiar to almost everyone. Unfortunately... czytaj dalej