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While we were waiting for the Internet to make us rich -- back when we thought all we had to do was to buy lottery tickets called dotcom shares -- we missed the real story of the information economy. That story... czytaj dalej
Les inscriptions ont pour fonction de porter ŕ la connaissance du public le plus large et pour la plus longue durée diverses informations. Cette fonction de "publicité" assure ŕ l'épigraphie une place... czytaj dalej
Preoccupation over the relationship between human rights and social justice and international trade competitiveness has led to the inclusion of the issue of the rights of workers in the agenda of leading international... czytaj dalej
The Topol Solution gives you a complete print and multimedia package consisting of Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, Third Edition, a DVD, and access to a wealth of online resources. Updated throughout by... czytaj dalej
This is a text for an introductory astronomy course. One of the main goals is to provide a broad enough and deep enough background in astronomy so the student will be able to follow current developments in... czytaj dalej
When Tiro, the secretary of a Roman senator, opens the door to a stranger on a cold morning, he sets in motion a chain of events which propels his master into one of the famous courtroom dramas in history... czytaj dalej
This third edition has been updated to take into account the latest technological changes, career advice and information on business strategies. Clark describes the tasks involved in and the skills required... czytaj dalej
The Asia-Pacific region has witnessed a rapid rise in bilateral preferential trade agreements at the beginning of the twenty-first century. This trend could have potentially dramatic effects on the trading... czytaj dalej
In the early days of Pong and Pac Man, video games appeared to be little more than an idle pastime. Today, video games make up a multi-billion dollar industry that rivals television and film. The Video Game... czytaj dalej
David's life was pretty normal. School. Friends. Girlfriend. Actually, Senna was probably the oddest aspect of his life. She was beautiful. Smart. But there was something very different about her. Something... czytaj dalej