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Concise History of the Third Reich
W. Benz Wydawnictwo: inne

This well-illustrated, highly accessible book at last gives general readers and students a compact, yet comprehensive and authoritative history of the twelve years of the Third Reich - from political takeover... czytaj dalej

Managerial Statistics
Albright Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A text/CD-ROM package taking an example-driven, spread-sheet-based approach, with concepts developed through realistic examples and illustrated in spreadsheet applications. Emphasis is on analysis of data and... czytaj dalej

Inmates Are Running the Asylum
A. Cooper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Imagine, at a terrifyingly aggressive rate, everything you regularly use is being equipped with computer technology. Think about your phone, cameras, cars - everything - being automated and programmed by people... czytaj dalej

Joseph Albers To Open Eyes
Horowitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Josef Albers (1888-1976) has long been admired for his progressive vision as an artist and designer who blurred distinctions between fine and applied art, but rarely has his influence as a teacher been examined... czytaj dalej

Real Split in the International
G. Debord Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Exploding as politically revolutionary at the heart of the Paris 1968 uprisings, the Situationist International has proved a tenaciously compelling radical movement in terms of aesthetics and political theory... czytaj dalej

Polish-Jewish Relations During Second World War
Ringelblum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Polish-Jewish Relations during the Second World War is one of the most important documents produced during the period of the Holocaust. Composed of the reflections and observations of Emmanuel Ringelblum (1900-1944)... czytaj dalej

Virtue Fortune & Faith
M. De Goede Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Less than two centuries ago finance - today viewed as the center of economic necessity and epitome of scientific respectability - stood condemned as disreputable fraud. How this change in status came about... czytaj dalej

Learning to be Confident Determined & Caring
K. Brunskill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The four books in the series provide a whole-school value based programme for young people from five to twelve years of age. They help in the creation of well-being and resilience in students by introducing... czytaj dalej

Supporting the Development of R&D
W. Filho Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book aims at documenting the experiences from NATO countries and Caucasian and neighbouring post-socialist countries, via inputs by experts who are involved in innovation activity including RD in science... czytaj dalej

Metodyka pracy nad rozwojem podmiotu
Stasiak Krzysztof Makary Wydawnictwo: brak danych

W podejściu podmiotowym wyróżnia się trzy zasadnicze wymiary człowieka. Są to: repertuar aktywności, repertuar decyzji (wartości) i wolę. Repertuar aktywności to zbiór wszystkich możliwych cząstkowych zachowań... czytaj dalej