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Ósmy tom Dzienników... ówczesnego premiera PRL i ostatniego I sekretarza KC PZPR obejmuje okres od IX Nadzwyczajnego Zjazdu PZPR do zakończenia stanu wojennego. Lata te w pamięci wielu Polaków pozostają nadal... czytaj dalej
The Ninth Edition of Physiology of Behavior continues its tradition as the most comprehensive, current, and teachable text for physiological psychology. This extensive revision of a classic text incorporates... czytaj dalej
Ralph Stacey continues to question the view that organisations operate and succeed in relatively stable environments. He argues that in order to succeed in uncertainty and continual change, organisations need... czytaj dalej
This visually gripping book focuses on a central but relatively unexamined aspect of the work of Salvador Dali: his fascination with optical effects and visual perception. The book examines Dali?s use of various... czytaj dalej
Illustrated with dozens of line drawings, tables and maps, Understanding Hieroglyphs will enthral anyone who wants to have the satisfaction of actually being able to read some of the hieroglyphs which adorn... czytaj dalej
Winner of Reference USA, Booklist Editor's Choice and CHOICE 2002 Outstanding Academic Title awards! `The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment provides the much-needed practices, policies, and research and... czytaj dalej
Vintage Stuff is a hilarious classic from the best-selling writer, Tom Sharpe.When Peregrine Clyde-Brown is sent to Groxbourne school by his father, he is in a for a surprise. Peregrine does very well at his... czytaj dalej
For introductory courses in Financial Accounting taught from a more traditional "preparer" approach. Financial Accounting, 6e nails the accounting cycle up front to increase student success and retention... czytaj dalej
In 1997, Binjamin Wilkomirski arrived in New York to read from his prize-winning book Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood, his memoir of an early childhood lost to the concentration camps at Majdanck... czytaj dalej
A Complete History of the Highwaymen discloses the most secret and barbarous murders, unparalleled robberies, notorious thefts and unheard of cheats, setting them in a true light and exposing them to public... czytaj dalej