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'Russians treat the law like a telegraph pole: you cannot jump over it, but you can go round it. It does not matter in the least what the law is about, because laws in principle cannot be good or useful to... czytaj dalej
Now in its Fourth Edition, this unrivaled, seminal work continues its long tradition of providing balanced insight and thorough historical background. Under the new authorial leadership of Alston Purvis, this... czytaj dalej
This is the third edition of the highly successful book, Biological Science. The text has been revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage of the latest syllabuses. New material has been added in... czytaj dalej
A biography of the playwright Harold Pinter and a study of his work as writer, actor and director. His political beliefs are viewed from the perspective of his life, which he began as an only child in Hackney... czytaj dalej
iGenetics: A Mendelian Approach reflects the dynamic nature of modern genetics by emphasizing an experimental, inquiry-based approach with a solid treatment of many research experiments. The text is ideally... czytaj dalej
Noted Korean studies scholar Charles Armstrong looks at Korea in the age of globalization, paying special attention to the Koreas' unique characteristics, their relationship to each other, their place in the... czytaj dalej
Unique coverage of manufacturing management techniques#151;complete with cases and real-world examples. Improving Production with Lean Thinking picks up where other references on production processes leave... czytaj dalej
This groundbreaking title presents a balanced focus on concepts and techniques from both traditional systems analysis and the newer object-oriented approach, to provide the most complete, up-to-date coverage... czytaj dalej
Arranged by continent for easy reference.Satellite photos of the Earth's most dramatic landscapes.Includes a wide range of recommended websites.Bold modern maps, brightly coloured and clearly labelled.Each... czytaj dalej
Offering a solid grounding in the historical and contemporary concerns of the field, Central Currents in Organization Studies Volumes 5-8 presents an innovative and thematically coherent selection of seminal... czytaj dalej