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Dark Tower
King Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume sees gunslinger Roland on a roller-coaster mix of exhilarating triumph and aching loss in his unrelenting quest to reach the dark tower. A journey which means he must leave his faithful friends... czytaj dalej

Why War
Smith Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Why did America invade Iraq? Why do nations choose to fight certain wars and not others? How do we bring ourselves to believe that the sacrifice of our troops is acceptable? For most, the answers to these questions... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Facial Implants
M. Yaremchuk Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Authored by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Yaremchuk, this new book presents both aesthetic and reconstructive applications of alloplastic implants for recontouring the craniofacial skeleton. Inside,... czytaj dalej

Searching for Mary Magdalene A Journey Through Art
J. Lahr Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Chasing down an enigma--the controversial Mary Magdalene--has recently become a national enthrallment due to books like Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. With the variety and quantity of magnificent paintings... czytaj dalej

Principles of Neurology
M. Victor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

You know it as the masterwork in its field. . . and now,you can own the newest,most up-to-date version of this classic text: Adams and Victor's PRINCIPLES OF NEUROLOGY,7th Edition. This remarkable volume now... czytaj dalej

Rules & Meaning
M. Douglas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1973, Rules and Meanings is an anthology of works that form part of Mary Douglas' struggle to devise an anthropological modernism conducive to her opposition to reputedly modernizing trends... czytaj dalej

Innovation Diffusion in the New Economy
Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book gives an overview of the theories of Tacit Knowledge and explains how this relates to a background of philosophical, neurological and pedagogic literature. The authors explain the importance of Tacit... czytaj dalej

Greek Gods
Bernard Evslin,Dorothy Evslin,Ned Hoopes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An excellent introduction to mythology, this book includes a glossary, afterword, and bibliography.... czytaj dalej

Transnational Media & Contoured Markets
A. Thomas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the context of Asia, where most of the world's population lives, "Transnational Media/Contoured Markets" analyses how globalisation of the media and advertising has occurred within the larger context... czytaj dalej

Kadinsky Watercolours
Barnett Wydawnictwo: Philip Wilson

In the first of two volumes Kandinsky's temperas, gouaches and watercolours from the Munich years and the Russian period are definitively catalogued and discussed in chronological order (including those known... czytaj dalej