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Growing Older
I. Patterson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Drawing on the latest research, this book examines the tourism and leisure needs of older people. Chapters review the particular behaviours, characteristics and special requirements of the senior market and... czytaj dalej

Management Accounting
H. Coombs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book adopts a new and accessible approach to helping readers understand how management accounting contributes to decisions in a variety of organisational contexts. It sets out clear explanations of practical... czytaj dalej

Ludwig Achim von Arnim Briefwechsel 1802-1804
A. Arnim Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der Band enth#8222;lt Arnims Briefwechsel w#8222;hrend seiner Bildungsreise: 117 berlieferte und erschlossene Briefe von ihm, 89 an ihn sowie detaillierte Erl#8222;uterungen. Ein erheblicher Teil der edierten... czytaj dalej

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry on CD-ROM
B. Elvers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This CD-ROM is the single most comprehensive and convenient source of industrial chemistry and chemical engineering information. It completely details industrial chemicals, product groups, and production processes... czytaj dalej

Spain IG
A. Eames Wydawnictwo: inne

A guide to Spain in the GUIDES BLEUS series, providing information on travel arrangements, accommodation, walks around principal cities, and useful phrases, plus information on tourist attractions and cultural heritage. ... czytaj dalej

Foreword to Past
Bojtar Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Over time at least four meanings have been attributed to the term 'Baltic' -- drawing on thirty years of extensive research, Foreword to the Past is the first modern introduction to the enigma of the Baltic... czytaj dalej

Corelli's Mandolin
Louis De Bernieres Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dr. Iannis and his daughter, Pelagia, live on the idyllic Greek island of Cephallonia in the years before World War II. Pelagia falls in love with Mandras, a fisherman, but when Italy attacks Greece in 1940... czytaj dalej

National Identity in Russian Culture
S. Franklin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What is Russia? Who are Russians? What is 'Russianness'? The question of national identity has long been a vexed one in Russia, and is particularly pertinent in the post-Soviet period. For a thousand years... czytaj dalej

Heir to Empire b.1 - STAR WARS
T. Zahn Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It's five years after Return of the Jedi: the Rebel Alliance has destroyed the Death Star, defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor, and driven out the remnants of the old Imperial Starlfleet to a distant corner... czytaj dalej

Concepts & Categories
I. Berlin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of eight essays spans the range of Isaiah Berlin's interests, including his role in the disputes of language philosophers in the 1930s, his interest in political philosophy and his later attention... czytaj dalej