Alice Hoffman is at her electrifying best in this fairy tale for grown-ups. The story begins with a little girl who makes a wish one snowy night and ruins her life. She grows up with a splinter of ice in her heart until one day, standing by her kitchen window, she is struck by lightning.
Instead of killing her, this cataclysmic event sparks off a new beginning. She seeks out Lazarus Jones, a fellow lightning survivor. He is her opposite, a burning man whose breath can boil water and whose touch scorches. As an obsessive love affair begins between them, both are forced to hide their most dangerous secrets - what turned one to ice and the other to fire.
The Ice Queen is a haunting story of passion, loss, second chances and the secrets that come to define us, if we're not careful.
Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books
Data wydania: 2006-08-03
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
Liczba stron: 211
Tytuł oryginału: The Ice Queen
Język oryginału: angielski
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Przeczytane:2018-07-30, Ocena: 5, Przeczytałam, 52 książki w 2018 roku, Mam, Obyczajowe,